SafeWork Launches New Interactive Guide for SWMS

SafeWork Launches New Interactive Guide for SWMS

Have you ever been confused or unclear about when and how to prepare a SafeWork Method Statement (SWMS)? Do you want to make sure that the SWMS you are using are fit for purpose and effective?

Now would be a great time to review what you are using against the new interactive guide launched by SafeWork Australia earlier this week. A SWMS is required if you are performing high-risk construction work; it outlines the hazards and risks associated with each task, as well as the controls that will be put in place to protect workers and others from these risks.

This new interactive tool, which includes useful videos and activities, will help you to understand:

      • what a SWMS does and how it makes a difference
      • what the model Work Health and Safety (WHS) laws say about preparing and using a SWMS
      • how to prepare a SWMS
      • how to use a SWMS in the workplace and keep it up to date

This guidance material is based on the model WHS laws so be sure to check the requirements with your state regulator.

Reviewing your SWMS so that they are up to date with meaningful controls should lead to better safety outcomes for workers and others on your construction sites.

Work Science is an industry leader in assisting clients with managing risks across the areas of: health and safety; property risk and compliance; asbestos and hazardous materials; occupational hygiene; safety in design; and risk management. Get in touch with one of our experts today if you have any questions or would like assistance in reviewing and updating your Safety Management System documentation (including your SWMS).