Policies, Procedures and Management Systems

Your health and safety management system is the foundation for meeting your organisational health and safety objectives. The management system is the place where the standards and processes are laid out and accountabilities are allocated. It is method for how you get health and safety done. Directors can due diligence with their management system. The key to success is implementing the management system well, conducting management reviews and continually improving.

We work with organisations to make sure their management systems are engaging and formulated in a way that is clear, concise, user friendly and compliant.

The outcome is safer, healthier organisations.

We Can

  • Facilitate the development of health and safety objectives
  • Prepare for an  ISO45001 Audit
  • Document an  ISO45001 compliance management system
  • Develop a management system framework
  • Document a management system
  • Create policies, procedures, forms and checklist
  • Train your people in the management system
  • Conduct compliance or management systems audits
  • Conduct management reviews of the system

We work for

  • Small, medium and large organisations
  • All industries
  • Directors, officers and C-suite executives
  • Health, Safety and Environment Professionals
  • Human Resources Professionals
  • Operations Professionals
  • Regulators