Bowtie Risk Workshops

The Bowtie method is a risk evaluation method that can be used to analyse and demonstrate causal relationships in high-risk scenarios. The method takes its name from the shape of the diagram that you create, which looks like a fashion bowtie.

A bowtie diagram looks at the potential incident scenarios that exist around a hazard. Once the hazard is chosen, the next step is to define the ‘top event’. This is the moment when control is lost over the hazard. An analysis is then conducted to determine what are the ‘threats’ that may cause the top event and the ‘consequences’ if the top event were to eventuate. Further analysis is undertaken to identify any barriers to prevent the threat occurring or decreasing the actual impact post event.

Work Science utilises this methodology with a range of clients to evaluate their current controls and effectiveness for high-risk scenarios. Our technical expertise combined with our engaging workshop facilitation methodologies and use of technology to visually represent the bowtie ensure effective outcomes for our clients.

Once developed, bowties can be used effectively to assure that Hazards are managed to an acceptable level (SFAIRP). Work Science supports a range of clients to use the bowtie method identify and manage risk associated with their assurance programs.